Adshel Live Roadside Launches in NI

Adshel Live Roadside Launches in Northern Ireland

September 22 2017

Clear Channel Northern Ireland launches Adshel Live- first ever roadside digital network in Ireland

  •  Clear Channel Northern Ireland have retained the Translink contract for bus shelters across Northern Ireland
  • 70 Adshel Live HD digital screens will be installed in the city centre, on main arterial routes and high footfall locations
  • Digital screens are being built in partnership with Amscreen
  • Powered by Play IQ - intelligent scheduling and content management

Following a competitive tendering process, Clear Channel Northern Ireland have retained the Translink contract for the management of the bus shelter estate in Northern Ireland. This will see Clear Channel maintain and sell advertising across the estate of 1400 bus shelters in Northern Ireland.

As part of this contract, Clear Channel Northern Ireland will launch Adshel Live - a network of 70 digital screens. The screens will be located in high profile locations in the city centre, on main arterial routes and in high footfall locations. The digital screens are being provided by Amscreen, Europe’s leading digital signage solutions company. The portfolio will be powered by Play IQ – Clear Channel’s intelligent scheduling and content management system; enabling seamless ad-serving across all sites.

"We are delighted to retain the Translink contract at this exciting time for public transport investment in Northern Ireland. This is a significant investment, a significant commitment and a significant moment for Irish Out-of-Home Media," said Peter Megarrell, Commercial Director, Clear Channel Northern Ireland. "Today's announcement is about more than brilliant new screens. This is investment with purpose. It's about the right sites that reach the right audience at the right time. The screens are supported by amazing back-end technology that will allow brands to effortlessly ad-serve content - adding an extra layer of context to pin-sharp creative."

Autoline on Adshel Live

Simon Sugar, Amscreen CEO: "We are so pleased to be partnering with Clear Channel Northern Ireland for the launch of Adshel Live bus shelters. This deal offers up various efficiencies - one of these being the speed of delivery via our European-based production headquarters. As well as optimising the ever-important lead times, we have the unique ability to provide easy local access to each stage of the build, ensuring the Clear Channel team has complete visibility and transparency through the delivery process."

Clear Channel is already Northern Ireland's leading outdoor media owner and this investment will further consolidate this position. In another media-first, Clear Channel Northern Ireland were first to install digital screens in shopping malls in Northern Ireland with the launch of the Castlecourt Shopping Centre. In 2016, Clear Channel added to their digital portfolio with 50 Socialite screens in pubs and bars across Northern Ireland, as well as a digital screen in George Best City Airport.

For further information on Clear Channel Ireland contact;

Bairbre Drury-Byrne +353 1 2611020,


Amscreen are specialists in delivering connected advertising displays across Europe. With a network of 15,000 screens and more than 20 years experience in providing screen solutions, Amscreen are Europe's No. 1 digital solutions provider and innovator.

The current partner portfolio includes blue chip retail businesses such as BP, Shell, Tesco and Costa Coffee as well as Clear Channel. A deal in 2016 saw Amscreen provide Clear Channel UK with their award winning phone kiosks - a reimagining of the iconic British red phone box. Amscreen also shipped more than 1600 free-standing and bus shelter units to further bolster Clear Channel's national digital Adshel estate.

Amscreen's current portfolio of products include plug and play 24-inch menu boards to 75-inch free standing retail units. All products are sunlight visible and fit for purpose for a range of environments, including in-window displays as well as exterior deployment. This range of real-time, wireless plug and play units are helping retailers, local authorities and network owners leverage the huge volumes of IoT and smart city based data that is now being generated.

Amscreen's overriding vision is to provide network owners an exceptional service, simplicity of install, maintenance, monitoring and ease of content delivery and analytics. Recent investments includes a 20,000 sq. ft. European-based manufacturing facility (see video) as well as a real-time remote device monitoring platform for remote management and maintenance of a screen network (see video).

For more information on Amscreen's products and partnerships, get in touch with Laura Ball on +44(0) 20 3225 5772 or

Clear Channel Northern Ireland launches Adshel Live - first ever digital roadside network in Ireland

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Clear Channel Ireland Limited, Registered Office: Beech House, Beech Hill Road, Dublin 4. Company number 50550. Registered in Ireland.
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