

Lenticular printing is used to produce images with an illusion of depth and movement. This is achieved through an array of lenses designed in such a way that when viewed from different angles, different images are seen. This process can be used to develop various frames of animation to create fluid movement, or it can simply show a set of images flipping from one to another. Advanced lenticular printing offsets the various layers at different increments to achieve 3D depth.

We can offer advice from the outset on the most suitable way to construct artwork to ensure the final vision truly comes to life. Animated mock-ups of the final effect can also be supplied.


  • All lenticulars use high definition images.
  • Simple flip, dynamic-motion or 3D available.
  • Lenticulars average 1-2mm thick.


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Clear Channel Ireland Limited, Registered Office: Beech House, Beech Hill Road, Dublin 4. Company number 50550. Registered in Ireland.
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